Grant # GG1420490 now in the hands of Rotary International

As of this morning, our grant proposal was electronically submitted at the highest level for approval at Rotary International. The Rotary’s “World Fund” created by donations from Rotarians all over the world provides the bulk of the grant funding after our local club raised $15,000.00. Hopefully we will hear of its approval shortly.

The official grant budget is $42,568.00 to cover packing, shipment of a high capacity ocean container, upgrading Ghanaian classrooms to adequately house computer labs plus travel, food and lodging for a four member Vocational Training Team. However, the budget does not address the value of donated, refurbished computers and accessories and thousands of textbooks and library books as described below.

All books–textbooks, library books, teacher manuals $13,305.00
Desktop computers $13,800.00
Laptop computers $1,500.00
Donated LCD monitors (reducing need to purchase) $5,750.00
Keyboards, mice $920.00
Other computer accessories $358.00
Other school and library supplies $702.00
Total In-Kind value $36,335.00
Total budgeted items’ value $42,568.00
Total Project Value $78,903.00

Author: Doug Wilkowske

Doug is a retired teacher who saw needs in West African schools that could be helped by saving what Americans discard. African schools needed computers; many businesses and individuals in the USA get new ones regularly with the discarded computers having a lot of life left. Why not put the still viable or refurbished computers to the need!

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